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Our Products

Looking for more organization in your office?

Comp-Caddie™ is a convenient storage solution for single dose composite units. It allows for organization of composite types and shades, and conveniently holds two dispensers on top of the unit. Its sleek and minimalist design is an attractive addition to any dental office. Click here to find our distributors.

Comp-Caddie™ was created and designed by a dentist who saw a need for improved storage of composite units. This product is made in the USA and is available for shipment world-wide.

Purchase a Comp-Caddie Here

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Some of our most popular products are the ones that helped define our company such as EXACTA Temp Xtra and EXACTA Trays. Click below for a list of what products thousands of dentists have grown to love over the years.

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Latest News

Updates on EXACTA’s new developments.

A Journey Through Time: The Evolution of Dental Composites

Introduction: Dental composites have become an integral part of modern dentistry, revolutionizing the way we [...]

New & Flashy vs. Old & Dependable

I recently upgraded my cell phone. I now have the newest version which has all [...]

Why is there sales tax on my invoice all of a sudden?

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that states may require out-of-state companies to charge [...]

Name Brand vs. House Brand vs. Generic

Name Brand vs. House Brand vs. Generic There is much confusion about what constitutes a name [...]

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